kiloWatt hour(kwh) to Amps-hour(Ah) calculator

kWh to Ah Calculator

below is the calculator for converting kWh to Ah, for this third parameter you need is battery voltage.

How to use kilowatt hour calculator

  1. Enter the value in the kWh block which corresponds to kilowatt hour value of the battery
  2. Enter the battery voltage in the next block
  3. Result is the Ah or Amps-hour of the battery.
  4. Note kilo in watt hour in the calculator 1000 is multiplied to remove the effect of kilo.


kWh to Ah Calculator

kWh to Ah Calculator

Result: Ah

Formula for finding Ah used in the calculator

Ah = kWh*1000 / Voltage

12V x 20 A = 240W

12V battery, 80AH capacity = 960Wh

What it Ampere Hours (Ah) ?

Most of you must have seen or used a battery once in your life. Ever wondered what does the ‘mA-h’ symbol indicates? Well, it is always a smart recommendation that before entering into the complex electronics, understand the basics you encounter in your daily life.

How to convert Kilowatt-Hours to Amp-Hours ?

The kilowatt hour, the allocated kWh or kWh hour, is a measure of electrical energy. One kWh of energy is equal to one kilowatt, or one thousand watts, which is used for one hour. Amp-hours, abbreviated Ah or Ah, is a measure of electrical charge, and is often used to measure the charge of batteries. An ah will provide an amp current for one hour.

Kilowatt -hours (kWh) are used to measure electrical energy measured in kilowatt or watts for one hour. These ratings are normally used on Lithium based batteries because their Amps per hour (Ah) rating is typically provided at 1C charge/discharge rate. I.e a 200Ah lithium-ion battery will provide 200A for 1hour.

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