Cross Product Calculator of two Vector

Lets consider an example on how to use the cross product calculator. Lets say vector A = 2i+3j+4k and vector B = 3.2i+1j+7k than as per the vector calculator we have x1 = 2, y1 = 3, z1 = 4 and x2 = 3.2, y2 = 1, z2 = 7. putting these values in the respective column below we get the final vector cross product as 17i-1.2j-7.6k.

The above cross product calculator (verified from symbolab) can be used to calculate the product of two vectors and the resultant vector is the combination of vector i, j, k whereas the coefficient of each vector represents the length of vector x, y, z each respectively – AxB(i) + AxB(j) + AxB(k).

Basics of Vector Cross Product calculation

There are two ways to take the product of a pair of vectors. One of these methods of multiplication is the cross product, The other multiplication is the dot product which is discussed in dot product calculator.

If a and b are two three-dimensional vectors, then their cross product, written as a×b and pronounced “a cross b,” is another three-dimensional or 3D vector.

You can also verify that the applet demonstrates b×a=−a×b and a×a=0, which are important properties of the cross product.

let’s consider an example to understand the cross multiply method used in the calculator.

first we find the xy and z components of vector c by using the xy and z components of vectors a and b as follows:

cx  =  aybz – azby  =  (1)(-2) – (1)(-1)  =  -1

cy  =  azbx – axbz  =  (1)(2) – (1)(-2)  =  4

cz  =  axby – aybx  =  (1)(-1) – (1)(2)  =  -3

Let’s say that a⃗×b⃗=c⃗ . This new vector c⃗ has a two special properties.

it is perpendicular to both a⃗ and b⃗ . Phrasing this in terms of the dot product, we could say that

Second, the length of c⃗ with, vector, on top is a measure of how far apart a⃗, are pointing, augmented by their magnitudes.

The cross product sometimes referred to as vector product is the result of multiplying the two vectors together, and will result in a third vector that is perpendicular (i.e. at right angles, or orthogonal) to both of the original vectors.

It’s similar to the dot product, but instead of cos⁡(θ) where θ is the angle between a⃗ and b⃗ . That way, when the angle is 90 degrees, the vector product is at its largest. In this sense, the dot product and the vector product complement each other.

Right Hand Rule for cross multiply

If you hold up your right hand, point your index finger in the direction of a⃗ and point your middle finger in the direction of b⃗ then your thumb will point in the direction of a⃗×b⃗ .

It’s arbitrary that we define the cross product with the right-hand rule instead of a left-hand rule, however if you find difficulty using right hand rule you always have a 2nd choice of using calculator.

Derivation of Cross Product Calculator

considering i, j, k as vectors than the cross products of these coordinate axes can be written as

  • i*j = k , j*i = -k
  • j*k = i , k*j = -i
  • k*i = j , i*k = -j
  • i*i = j*j = k*k = 0

Cross product derivation of any two vectors a and b used in calculator. This product is often referred to as vector product as the resultant of product is vector itself whereas the resultant of dot product is a scalar quantity.

Matrix Notation of Vector Products

Other useful calculator – Ah to Kwh , Kwh to Ah

Vector Product Applications

The vector product is useful as a method for constructing a vector perpendicular to a plane if you have two vectors in the plane. Physically, it appears in the calculation of torque and in the calculation of the magnetic force on a moving charge and a Magnetic Force as a Vector Product.

Cross product of unit vectors

The standard unit vectors in three dimensions, i (green), j (blue), and k (red) are length one vectors that point parallel to the x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis respectively.

The parallelogram spanned by any two of these standard unit vectors is a unit square, which has area one. Hence, by the geometric definition, the cross multiply must be a unit vector. Since the cross product derived from the calculator must be perpendicular to the two unit vectors,

It must be equal to the other unit vector or the opposite of that unit vector. Looking at the above graph, you can use the right-hand rule to determine the following results. i×jj×kk×i=k=i=j

What about i×k? By the right-hand rule, it must be −j. By remembering that b×a=−a×b, you can infer that j×ik×ji×k=−k=−i=−j. Finally, the cross product of any vector with itself is the zero vector (a×a=0).

Looking at the formula for the ijk matrix, we see that the formula for a vector product looks a lot like the formula for the 3×3 matrices. If we allow a matrix to have the vector ij, and k as entries the 3×3 determinant gives a handy mnemonic to remember the vector product.

Cross Product Method

The cross product method is used to compare two fractions. It involves multiplying the numerator of one fraction by the denominator of another fraction and then comparing the answers to show whether one fraction is bigger or smaller, or if the two are equivalent.

This method is a shortcut to finding a common denominator and doesn’t change the value of either of the fractions involved. The best way to understand the cross product method is to refer the calculator and understand how vectors cross multiply works.

We can only compare two fractions at a time with this method, so if you’re trying to compare more than two fractions, you’ll need to repeat these steps using two fractions at a time. Let’s look at a step-by-step example to see just how easy the cross product method can be.