LONDON, UK. Thurs, 2 Mar. 2023 – Formula E today publishes its Season 8 Sustainability Report, entitled Racing For Better Futures, which details the most impactful year to date of the first sport in the world founded with sustainability at its core.

The highlight of Season 8 was the launch of the GEN3 in Monaco, regarded by fans as the spiritual home of motorsport. It is the fastest, lightest, most powerful and efficient electric race car ever built.

The GEN3 is powered by electric motors that are substantially more efficient than internal combustion engines (ICEs) converting more than 95% of the electrical energy compared to approx. 40% in the high efficiency ICEs of other motorsports. In addition, the GEN3 has been likened to a ‘power station on wheels’ producing more than 40% of the energy it consumes in a race through regenerative braking.

The GEN3 is the first formula car aligned to life cycle thinking, with a clear path towards second life and end of life for all tyres, broken parts and battery cells. It is the first formula car to use linen and recycled carbon fibre in bodywork construction with all waste carbon fibre reused for new applications. Natural rubber and recycled fibres make up 26% of new GEN3 tyres which are fully recycled after racing.

Jamie Reigle, Chief Executive Officer, Formula E, said:

“As we publish our Season 8 Sustainability Report, interest in motorsport has never been higher. The global reach of the sport provides a powerful platform to engage hundreds of millions of fans across the world in taking positive action to combat climate change. At Formula E we take our leadership role seriously by driving the agenda and setting the benchmark for sustainable sport. We are delighted to see others across the sports spectrum follow our lead.

“We are proponents of an electric future and are adamant that elite sport, high performance and sustainability can co-exist without compromise. Formula E is committed to pushing boundaries at the cutting edge of technology, performance and sustainability. The launch of the GEN3 race car during Season 8 is evidence of our commitment. The GEN3 is the world’s most efficient race car and described as a machine created at the intersection of high performance, efficiency and sustainability. The GEN3 made its racing debut this year, grabbing the attention of audiences and showcasing an exciting, electric future for motorsport.”

The new report highlights more key social projects over 2021/2022 including ongoing work through the charity partnership with UNICEF and its Safe and Healthy Environment Fund; the FIA Girls on Track activations; and legacy projects in race locations that directly benefit the communities where races take place.

Key initiatives and commitments that benefit the planet are also highlighted, with a continued commitment to maintaining the championship’s net zero carbon status from inception. Formula E was the first sport in the world to achieve such status and last season announced a 24% emissions reduction on Season 5’s baseline – well ahead of the science-based target of a 45% reduction by 2030.

Formula E was also independently ranked and recognised as the most sustainable sport in the world by the Global Sustainability Benchmark in Sports (GSBS) in addition to maintaining the International Standard for Sustainable Events (ISO 20121) and the FIA Three-Star level for Environmental Accreditation.

Metrics of the positive impact that its sustainability initiatives have had include the partnership with UNICEF benefitting nearly 700,000 children around the world affected by climate change; hosting 450 girls as part of the FIA Girls on Track programme; investing more than €500,000 in multiple philanthropic causes globally; and over €110,000 on a variety of community engagement initiatives in all host cities.

Julia Palle, Sustainability Director, Formula E, said:

“Season 8 was another significant year for Formula E in maintaining and progressing our ambitious sustainability strategy. With a dual focus on using the ABB FIA Formula E World Championship to benefit both people and the planet, we developed additional initiatives that go above and beyond some of the world-leading work we’ve completed to date. Whether it’s focusing on children, local communities, gender diversity, environmental excellence or developing cutting-edge technology that will transform the future of the EV market, we’re committed to using our core sustainability purpose to mitigate the impacts of climate change and accelerate sustainable human progress for all.”



Summary of initiatives in S8 Sustainability Report:

Initiatives focused on the planet

  • The GEN3 car
    • Most sustainable race car ever built, with sustainability at the core of its design and function.
    • All emissions associated with its development and production have been offset.
    • Regenerates 40% of its energy needed for a race, in the race.
    • Around 95% power efficiency from an electric motor delivering up to 350kW of power (470BHP), compared to approximately 40% for a higher performance internal combustion engine.
    • First-ever formula car with both front and rear powertrains. A new front powertrain adds 250kW to the 350kW at the rear, more than doubling the regenerative capability of the previous Gen2 to a total of 600kW.
    • The car has one of the most advanced, sustainable batteries ever made consisting of sustainably sourced minerals while battery cells will be reused and recycled at end of life.
    • Battery capable of receiving 4kWh of energy inside 30 seconds – the most advanced EV battery in the world today – delivered by a 600kW booster.
    • Linen and recycled carbon fibre are used for the first time in a formula car for its bodywork construction featuring recycled carbon fibre from retired GEN2 cars.
    • All waste carbon fibre will be reused for new applications through adoption of an innovative process from the aviation industry.
    • Natural rubber and recycled fibres make up 26% of new Gen3 tyres. All tyres fully recycled after racing.
    • All GEN3 suppliers operate in line with top international standards to reduce environmental impacts of manufacturing (ISO 14004) and are FIA Environmental Accreditation 3-Star rated.
  • Recognised as the most sustainable sport in the world
    • ISO20121
      • Formula E complies with the International Standard for Sustainable Events (ISO 20121) ensuring our events cause the least impact on the environment.
      • Formula E achieved third-party verification for ISO20121 in Season 4
    • GSBS ranking
      • In November 2022 Formula E was ranked as the most sustainable sport in the world by the Global Sustainability Benchmark in Sports (GSBS), winning four out of five possible awards for its ESG approach.
      • GSBS is an independent, global not-for-profit organisation which benchmarks the sustainability performance of professional sports organisations through unbiased, science-driven and data-based research.
    • FIA Environmental Accreditation
      • Formula E fully complies with the FIA Environmental Accreditation programme.
      • It was the first championship to achieve the Accreditation at three-star level back in 2015 and have successfully renewed this in 2018, 2021 and 2023. 
  • Maintaining Net Zero Carbon status
    • Formula E maintains its commitment to being a Net Zero Carbon championship, and the first sport in the world to be Net Zero Carbon since inception, achieved in line with the 2020 definition of Net Zero Carbon. Formula E remains committed to its Net Carbon Zero efforts in line with the highest standards available.
    • Formula E has so far reduced its emissions by 24% compared to Season 5 and is ahead of schedule to reduce its total emissions by 45% by 2030.
    • In Season 8 Formula E offset its carbon footprint by investing in a wind farm project in Mexico which has a renewable energy capacity of 137.5 MW per year. The total offset for Season 8 is 33,800 t CO2 -eq which brings the overall offset total to 209,400 t CO2 -eq.

Initiatives focused on people

    • Formula E and UNICEF ‘Take a Breath’ campaign with Marvel star and UNICEF Ambassador Tom Hiddleston, to raise awareness of the impact of polluted air on children.
    • Positively impacting nearly 700,000 children across the partnership to date.
    • Positively impacting 10,382 school children in Mexico with the supply of 12 clean drinking water and hygiene and sanitation stations.
  • FIA Girls on Track
    • In Season 8, Formula E and the FIA hosted 450 girls, following more than 1,300 sign ups.
    • FIA Girls on Track is a grassroots project to empower young girls and promote gender equality in an innovative, engaging and positive manner through hosting girls aged 12-18 for an immersive day of workshops at a Formula E track.
  • Legacy projects
    • More than 500,000 EUR spent on philanthropic causes
    • Nearly 11,800 local children positive impacted
    • Collaboration with 77 universities, schools, charities and community groups
    • More than 110,000 EUR spent on community engagement initiatives