Peter Horbury, who transitioned Volvo from boxy to curvy, remembered as ‘immense in automotive design’

BE desk

Peter Stevens, former Lotus head of design and now a design marketing consultant, was once Horbury’s former lecturer on the prestigious Royal School of Artwork in London. He stated Horbury’s skills prolonged past design.

“Peter’s natural charm, great sense of humor and modesty were far from the brash, ego-driven characters who now populate many automotive boardrooms,” he informed ANE. “He had an ability to understand the culture of all the makes that he worked on, from Chrysler to Ford, Volvo, Lotus and others, which manifested itself in guiding the long-term design language of those brands.”

Horbury was once additionally held in astonishment via a more youthful moment of designers.

“Peter was one of very few designers who maintained momentum throughout their whole career,” Anders Warming, head of design for Rolls-Royce, informed ANE.

Ford CEO Jim Farley tweeted: “Peter was a remarkable design leader, perhaps best known for using the power of design to transform & modernize Volvo globally.”

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